Contact Us

We want to hear from you. And yes we can help you.

We are located at

1830 Front Street
Scotch Plains, NJ
Call at
(908) 322-9180
or send us an email at

Get Direction

If you are interested in becoming a Resolve client, please complete the form below. Once submitted, a Resolve employee will follow up with you to confirm any necessary information. If you have any questions, please call our office at 908-322-9180 or by emailing

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Haga clic aquí si necesita este texto en inglés



If you do not have insurance or if we are not able to bill your insurance, we will offer you a sliding scale fee for the cost of our sessions.

Si no tiene seguro o en caso no podemos recibir pago de su seguro, ofreceremos un precio proporcional a sus ingresos.